Sunday, October 12, 2014

Family Ties ---

I do this thing, where I like to sit in a place FULL of people, and just watch.  I went to a food court and just watched people as they interact with each other, the workers, the staff, their kids . . . and it always surprises me. 

There was one particular kid,, who appeared to be about 5, was throwing a fit because he wanted "Hot Dog on a Stick" and his mom refused.  He threw himself on the floor and his mom just kept walking.  In the same family was a little girl who was about 7, also wanted Hot Dog on a Stick but when her mom told her no, she took it for what it was and kept it moving.  But this little boy was persistent, and finally, his mom bought him hot dog on a stick.  I just watched as a smile broke out across his face and he had the look of victory. The little girl still didn't get the hot dog, and she was fine with that.

Let me reenact that situation if one of us had decided to act up at the store.  This is what would have happened at the store depending on which one of us kids were asking for "Hot dog on a Stick,"  

Me: "Mom, can I have Hot Dog on a Stick?"
Mom: "Yes." *buys hot dog on a stick"

Situation number two:

Sina (she's the 6th one): "Mom, can I have Hot Dog on a Stick?"
Mom: "No.  We don't have money for that."  

Now let me give some background to this story.  According to my siblings, I get away with a lot.  For whatever reason that is, I do not know. I know that our parents love us all, and they want what's best for us, but we got different responses based on experiences that we had with our parents.

See, for example, Sina and I are two very different people.  I have a strong opinion about things, but I shy away from confrontation, where Sina, who also has a strong opinion, embraces confrontation and handles it.  Maybe this is why my parents were always more willing to give into my wants, then they were to give into Sina's.  She is able to speak her mind, and be blunt and direct. I admire that about her, always have, and always will.  It's a blessing AND a curse.  Her and my mom always butted heads growing up, and Sina never backed down.  It's always entertaining, and  I love her for it!

I bring this up because without Sina, our family wouldn't be OUR family.  Our family is bonded and tied together, even if we are different.  Sina isn't the only one who is direct, so are my older sisters.  They aren't afraid to stand their ground and argue what they feel is right.  Where as me and some of my younger sisters just listen and hold our tongues.  But we balance each other out, and that's what makes us work.

I am grateful for my family, and especially Sina.  She has become my best friend and I look up to her more than I look up to anyone else.  Although we are different, she brings balance to my life and I love her for it!  I love that my family is so uniquely tied, and bonded, and when people probably watch us interact, they probably think that we are INSANE, but it works for us, and I wouldn't change it for the world!

Til you read again,


  1. It's hard to observe yourself as an outside party looking in... Your "reenactment" is somewhat off should have shared a more recent experience, like when we were in Colorado Springs at Little Papu's BBQ thingy. It'd be more true to life. Haha.

  2. I really appreciate what you shared Melenaite! I come from a family of six, and I'm one of the siblings that wouldn't get what they wanted at the store and would just move on from there, and I definitely have siblings that get what they want when they ask the first time. Do you think that it is only about the relationships and experiences we have with our parents, or is there more to it? Does birth order play a role? What do you think?

  3. Oi sole... is that why she had to stay behind when you all came down for Pu'a's wedding? lol. She's a trooper though! we enjoyed our extra QT with her. She's alot like Aunty Salamasina---straight forward, strong willed, determined, bold, and blunt. Love u all! Always enjoy reading your posts, keep up the good work Dr. Naite!

  4. It is fun hearing more about Sina's personality...she has always been headstrong and I am glad she had learned to make it work for her!!!

    You both have lovely personalities and I love you both for it!

  5. When I grow up I want to be just like Sina. The End.

  6. It's always so much fun to hear about the adventures of your family! You're an amazing writer and bring your words vividly to life. I always look forward to the next fun story! Love you and your awesome family and miss you too!
